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Title: Japanese] Archaeol. Research in Chinese Turkestan Album of the Excavated Objects, v2 texts, buddhist sutras,

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Author: Moran, Patrick F. Cardinal (ABp, Sydney_

Title: Discovery of Australia by de Quiros in the Year 1606

Year: n.d.

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Title: A Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea, N & S Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic & Southern Atlantic O

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Author: Mundy, Peter (ca 1596-ca 1667)

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Title: Diary of a Trip to Australia 1897

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Author: Norman, Henry, 1858-1939

Title: The peoples & politics of the Far East: Travels & studies in the British, French, Spanish & Portuguese Colonie

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Title: Merv: A story of adventure & captivity [Turkmen; central Asia -- desc. & travel]

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Title: Incidents of a Whaling Voyage [Azores, Hawaii, South Pacific, etc.]

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Title: History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China, incl. the two journeys ...of Father F Verbiest [Hakluyt Soc.

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Year: 1854 Salem

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Author: Oxley, John Joseph Wm. Molesworth 1783-1

Title: Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales

Year: 1820 Lond.

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Author: Oxley, John Joseph Wm. Molesworth 1783-1

Title: Journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales [1817-18] by order of the British Govt.

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Title: Melbourne, & the Chincha Islands; with sketches of Lima, & a voyage round the world [illus.]

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Author: Pinkerton, John

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Author: Porter, David

Title: A Voyage in the South Seas, in the Years 1812, 1813, & 1814 ... Gallipagos & Washington Islands

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Title: Explorations in Turkestan: Expedition of 1904, v 2: Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau: Origins, Growth, & env.

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Author: Schiltberger, Johannes (b. 1380-81?)

Title: The Bondage & Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, Africa, 1396-1427 [Hakluyt

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