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Author: Steuart, James

Title: An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy...Population, Agriculture, Trade, Industry, Money...

Year: 1768

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Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Stewart, William H & J D Thomas

Title: Alabama Government & Politics

Year: 1988

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Author: Stiles, Lela

Title: The Man behind Roosevelt: The Story of Louis McHenry Howe

Year: 1954

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Title: A History of Modern Political Constitutions

Year: 1963

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Title: The Euro-American Empire: Shadow Corporate Government in the Global Age

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Author: Taras, Raymond

Title: Consolidating Democracy in Poland

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Author: Thayer, Theodore

Title: Pennsylvania Politics & the Growth of Democracy: 1740- 1776

Year: 1953

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Author: Theodore, Lynn B H & Otto Windt

Title: The Cold War as Rhetoric: The Beginnings, 1945-1950

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Author: Thoreau, Henry David

Title: Civil Disobedience (Resistance to Civil Government) (w/Bibliography & Study Notes)

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Author: Thorne, Melvin J.

Title: American Conservative Thought since World War II: The Core Ideas

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Title: Analysis of civil government...for the use of grammar, high, & normal schools, academies, & other institutions

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Author: Trotsky, Leon

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Author: Tworzecki, Hubert

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Author: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency

Title: Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments [CIA]

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Title: The Civil Government of Porto Rico. Hearings ... on H.R. 4087 ... & H.R. 6583 ... Feb 13-14, 1924

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Author: Udall, Morris K.

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Publisher: UFlorida

Author: Univ. of West Florida. Center for State

Title: 1981 survey of citizens of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, & Walton Counties

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Author: Vattel, Emer de, 1714-1767

Title: The law of nations; Principles of the law of nature, applied to the affairs of nations & sovereigns (tr. fr Fr


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Publisher: MOA-UMich

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